Board & Staff Members
Remya was born in New Delhi, India. Growing up in a city which is very unsafe for women left some scars on her psyche. ‘Going out’ of the house was always a daring adventure, something she really didn’t look forward to. That has changed, and since moving to Montana around two years ago, she is re-learning how to explore the great outdoors and not to be scared of the ‘outside’. Her quest to ‘make friends with nature is now well supported by her outdoors-loving partner, Joe.
Remya has a Ph.D. in Physics and works at the Montana State university as a research scientist. She has lived in multiple cities in India, spent two years in Kyoto-Japan and now enjoys the beauty that Bozeman has to offer. Working in a field that doesn’t boast of many women authority figures and leaders, she feels it is important to inspire young girls to take up STEM research. She is part of various clubs on campus like the Women+ In Physics, and TaMIA (Towards a More Inclusive Astronomy), and also mentors students through programs designed to inspire and encourage young women to pursue careers in Physics.
David was raised in San Antonio, Texas. The outdoors was always a large part of his family life. He eventually graduated from the University of North Texas and went on to earn an MFA in Science and Natural History Filmmaking. When not making films about whales and nature, he is hiking, backpacking, and gardening. He resides in Belgrade, Montana with his spouse and cat.
David self identifies as a a Cis-heterosexual male with a Native American ancestry. Pronouns: he/him/his